
The Holidays on a Budget

With the state of the economy right now, many people are starting to cut back in their gift spending. We all know that before you know it, all the gifts can certainly add up! But the holiday season does not have to break the bank. There are many ways to enjoy the gift giving season with your friends and family.
  1. Set up a gift exchange. Is there a certain group of people you always exchange gifts with? Instead of giving a present to each person, exchange names (in secret or not) and buy just one present for the person you picked. Usually, this means the price range is a bit higher, but you save money overall because your are not buying multiple presents.
  2. Gift giving does not always need to mean extravagance. Just the other day, a friend of mine told me a story about getting his neighbor a special type of sheet protector with black paper she had been searching for. It is inexpensive (about $10 for the box) and maybe not a traditional holiday gift, but I'm sure she loved it even more. Remember, it is not about the cost, but the thought of the gift given.
  3. Go low-key this year and bake something. There are thousands of easy recipes available that you could use to bake a batch or two for your favorite friends and neighbors. To make your baking creation even more special, package in a holiday tin with a bow. Print out an easy recipe from or and get baking!
  4. Forgo traditional gift giving and donate. Instead of exchanging any gifts with your friends, family, or co-workers, pool together your money and pick a charitable organization or two to donate to. Visit for a list of over 100 charitable organizations to donate to.
How do you plan to cut back on spending this year? Please share your cost cutting ways in the Comments section below. I hope these tips help cut back on spending, while still enjoying the gift giving joy of the holiday season. Happy gift giving!

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