
How C-Line Employees Use Our Products: Sheet Protectors

Sometimes the best way to see our products in-use is by simply looking around the office. Our employees at C-Line will often head to the sample room in search of one of our products. Take a look at how Rose, a member of the C-Line marketing department, utilized the Colored Polypropylene Sheet Protector.

C-Line's Colored Polypropylene Sheet ProtectorThe blue colored sheet protectors make the proof pages stand-out.

“Many of our customers will send us catalog proof pages throughout the year. Our department has a system of tracking current pages, along with proof pages and storing everything from that customer in a three-ring binder to make it easy to reference the information in the future. I was spending a lot of time searching through the binder to locate proof pages, so I decided to find a way to make these pages stand-out better. My goal was to find something to protect the proofs and make them stand-out without taking up extra space inside the binder. I ultimately decided to use the Colored Sheet Protectors. The bright colors were easily visible among the clear holders, while still being transparent enough to be able to read the pages stored inside. The heavyweight material helps protect documents and the top loading design made it possible to remove pages for further review, if necessary.” Share with us your “C-Line In-Use” story!

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