
Biodegradable Binder Pockets Make Storage Easy

Since my experience using specifically C-Line products is rather limited, I have tried to make it a point to notice how they are being used internally by the staff. This has given me valuable insight into multiple uses for our office supplies.

C-Line Products Biodegradable Binder Pocket is one item, in particular, that can be a great tool to help organize ongoing communication with customers.

It is no surprise to say that we live in a time where the majority of professional communication typically occurs through email. Although this makes documenting an ongoing conversation easier, emails are not necessarily made available to everyone.

At my office, binders are used regularly for various projects and are typically organized by customer. Several employees interact with clients, making it difficult to keep track of the current conversation.

C-Line Products Biodegradable Binder Pocket

Pick a fun color to jazz up your binder!

The Biodegradable Binder Pocket can be put in the customer’s binder and utilized as a central place to store email communication. Not only does the hook and loop flap make it easy to file pages, but the pocket expands for maximum storage.

Do you have to store other notes or information? Since the Biodegradable Binder Pocket comes in clear and assorted colors, it allows you to differentiate between the email binder pocket and the miscellaneous one.

Organizing communication with the Binder Pocket avoids any confusion when people are out of the office and makes referencing information much easier.

C-Line has several other biodegradable and recycled office supplies that could be of use to you.

What is your favorite C-Line biodegradable product? Comment below, and let us know!

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